The rise of Bitcoin: Bitcoin London's investors and entrepreneurs
Excerpt from Financial Times. Bitcoin, a decentralised, virtual currency, is garnering increasing interest from investors and entrepreneurs. The FT's Maija Palmer reports from a Bitcoin conference on where the currency is heading and goes to buy her first (fraction) of a Bitcoin. Maija Palmer: In the centre of London's financial district, a crowd of some three hundred entrepreneurs and investors gathered this week to discuss what many believe could be a game-changer for the way we use money. Bitcoin, a decentralized virtual currency began life as something of an experiment. Could an....
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This summer, the UK will play host to a two-day conference aiming to connect entrepreneurs, angel and VC investors, hedge fund professionals and others with an interest in the growing digital currency ecosystem. CoinSummit London will take place on 10th-11th July at the East Wintergarden venue, right on the Thames waterfront, and as with previous CoinSummit events, will present a number of headline speakers from the spheres of digital currencies, startups and investment. This will be the third event from CoinSummit, which was founded by husband and wife team Pamir Gelenbe, entrepreneur and....
We were headed to London to attend the CoinSummit Bitcoin conference! CoinSummit London is a two day event connecting virtual currency entrepreneurs, angel and VC investors, hedge fund professionals and others who are looking to learn and network in the virtual currency industry. We can’t wait to tell you more about the topics! Live updates from the conference. Instagram updates.
CoinSummit London, the upcoming, two-day digital currency conference scheduled to run from 10th-11th July, has added new speakers to its already exciting lineup and announced the winning companies in its 'startup showcase' feature. Organised by husband-and-wife team Pamir Gelenbe and Gulnar Hasnain, CoinSummit London will take place at the East Wintergarden venue in central London, aiming to connect entrepreneurs, investors, hedge fund professionals and others with an interest in the growing digital currency ecosystem. "The bitcoin space has changed tremendously since our first conference....
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