Bitcoin Foundation forms committees for legal defence and regulation
The Bitcoin Foundation has created three legal committees to offer help and guidance to businesses and individuals in the digital currency space. Mike Hearn has been announced as the chairman of the Law and Policy Steering Committee while Marco Santori is chairman of the Regulatory Affairs Committee and Brian Klein is chairman of the Legal Defense Committee. "We're putting together a team of people to engage regulators across the country in a conversation - to try and be proactive about bitcoin education," said Santori. He explained the committees are trying to get people from every US....
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Committees Constituted to Decide on the Legal Status of Cryptocurrency in Pakistan
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Two senate committees are expected to convene soon regarding possible regulatory issues related to decentralized electronic currencies such as bitcoin. Congressional aide sources inside the Senate told the Wall Street Journal that members of government and representatives from the private sector are expected to testify during the hearings. No dates have been set, but the hearings are expected to occur within the next few weeks. "The Bitcoin Foundation thinks these upcoming hearings are good for consumers and others as education on bitcoin is important," Jinyoung Englund, the foundation's....
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