Bitcoin: An International Currency for International Communities
Remember FrostWire (BitTorrent client)? They've completely transformed their platform and are integrating Bitcoin into their system. While at a Bitcoin conference I met Angel Leon, a project lead for FrostWire. Bitcoin, he mentioned to me, has caused a resurgence of excitement in the open-source movement. Angel is also working hard on the OpenBazaar....
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On the tails of the LaBitConf, the first ever Latin American Bitcoin Conference, the Bitcoin Foundation announced the full launch of the International Affiliate Program to foster further development of Bitcoin communities around the world. In addition to opening up an international office in the United Kingdom, the Bitcoin Foundation also took the Bitcoin Association of Australia and the Bitcoin Foundation Canada on as the first two affiliates. The Bitcoin Foundation issued the below press release. Bitcoin Foundation's International Affiliate Program ramps up for 2014. Opens international....
[Update: We are being told that the 1:1 exchange idea was shot down by the BitBay community, deciding instead to rebrand]. Note: The currency mentioned in this article is called BitBay and should not be confused with the Poland-based Litecoin and Bitcoin exchange that shares the same name. [2014-11-03 1:38:58 PM] *** International Rob has shared contact details with linhan.ee. *** [2014-11-05 11:06:03 AM] *** Call to linhan.ee, duration 13:43. *** [2014-11-11 9:36:33 AM] linhan.ee: Hi bob, would you please let me know your deposit account? [2014-11-11 9:37:14 AM] International Rob:....
Amid the ongoing global CBDCs adoption, China proposes an Asian-wide digital currency to reduce the continent’s economic reliance on the US dollar. USD is unquestionably the most widely used international currency. The International Monetary Policy is also based on the US dollar. Many countries’ economies rely on the USD for international trade and exchange, while […]
Overstock is the first of large online retailers to accept bitcoin payments from international customers. Overstock was the first in a train of mega retailers to accept bitcoin payments from domestic, or U. S., customers. Now, the company will be the largest online e-commerce site to cater to international customers. The unveiling is slated for September 1. Larger retailers like Dell, Dish, and Newegg have only, until now, planned to accept payments from the U. S. market in their respective experiments with the digital money. But international customers want in on the action. CNN. Lower....
Creating international blockchain standards will not be an easy feat. Australia is poised to lead the international discussions, as they will act as secretariat of a technical committee. The country has proposed this committee to the International Organization for Standardizations, which approved the idea. But what does all of this even mean for blockchain and cryptocurrency enthusiasts? Global Blockchain Standards Are Coming. Standards Australia is the group that will lead the charge for establishing international blockchain standards. Dr. Bronwyn Evans, CEO of Standards Australia,....