'No-wallet' bitcoin payment app Gliph gets $200k in funding
Mobile bitcoin wallet and secure messaging app Gliph has received $200,000 in funding towards its first seed round, in a deal which will see it relocate from its native Oregon to California. The company raised the money from San Mateo-based Boost VC. It follows $50,000 in funding from the Oregon-based Portland Seed Fund, and an initial $15,000 from Boost VC earlier this year, bringing its total funding to date to $265,000. Gliph founder and CEO Rob Banagale explained that the app, which lets users send and receive bitcoin while also handling secure messages, was originally conceived as a....
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Privacy-focused messaging app Gliph once again supports bitcoin functionality in its newest iOS release. The announcement follows Apple's recent reversal of its ban on bitcoin apps, which meant Gliph was forced to disable bitcoin sending late last year. Now, with its latest version and the revised set of rules from Apple, Gliph is promoting itself as one of the easiest ways to both obtain and use bitcoin, integrating, as it does, two of the industry's most popular wallets: Coinbase and Blockchain. Gliph CEO and co-founder Rob Banagale believes the combination of Apple, Coinbase and....
Cupertino, California-based Apple Inc. has reportedly asked a software developer to remove a bitcoin-transmitting feature from their Gliph messaging application. The app previously allowed users to a desired amount of bitcoins in messages, and Apple doesn't seem to like that. "We're releasing an updated version of Gliph for iOS that removes the ability to send bitcoin from within the app," said Rob Banagale - who heads Gliph. "You can still create wallets, view balances and receive bitcoin in the Gliph app for iOS [and] send bitcoin using Gliph on iPhone, using the same interface as....
Mobile comms company Gliph is backing Bitcoin - anyone using its mobile applications can now send, and receive, Bitcoins. Gliph's mobile apps for iPhones and Google phones allow users to exchange secure text messages which are encrypted and can be permanently deleted. The latest version will also let you send Bitcoin payments. The company said staff had become fascinated by the alternative currency in recent months. But they found aspects of it difficult or irritating to use. Setting up a wallet was not simple and existing solutions were not easy enough to use. Staff found sending Bitcoins....