Book Your Flights- With Bitcoins!
This is a major step forward for the cryptocurrency market. We need merchants to accept the currency for it to have staying power. CheapAir.com has taken the leap and it feels like the first time I booked on Priceline 15 years ago. The buzz is so exciting and it feels much like when the internet became mainstream. From the CheapAir.com Website: http://www.cheapair.com/blog/travel-news/book-your-flights-on-cheapair-with-bitcoin-virtual-currency/. We are excited to announce that we're the first online travel agency in the world to accept Bitcoin, an entirely digital currency, as a method of....
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This month I bought my first flight with Bitcoin, using ABitSky. Purchasing the flight was quick and easy, and the price was good. Founded in 2002 and based in Vilnius, Lithuania, ABitSky sells all its flights in Bitcoin since August 2014. "Looking for cheap flights? Well, we want to help you! Cheap flights search engine has hundreds of thousands of options. We will find cheap tickets to anywhere in the world and help you purchase them conveniently. We wish you a pleasant flight!" - aBitSky.com team. ABitSky is not the only cheap flight search engine and booking service that operates in....
Many bitcoiners like to travel. In 2017 there are ways for people to use their bitcoins to book flights, car rentals, and hotels. Indeed, there are many options available to purchase any travel amenities imaginable without having to convert bitcoin to fiat. Traveling the World With Bitcoin. Did you know there are quite a few options out there to pay for....
Another airline is joining the bitcoin boat (or should we say plane?). This time around it is Air Lituanica, a small airline based in Lithuania that operated scheduled flights throughout Europe. The announcement was made this week via the airline's official Twitter account, noted that the digital currency (referred to as "bit-coin" in the tweet) can be used for ticket purchases on all flights. The airline, which operates a fleet of 86-seat Embraer 175 aircraft, carries out regional flights from a number of cities, of which include Paris, Amsterdam, Vilnius, and Prague. We are now accepting....
Back in November, CheapAir.com began accepting Bitcoin for booking flights after a customer inquired, "Can I pay with Bitcoin for my flight?" This request was forwarded to CheapAir CEO Jeff Klee, and soon, the company adopted Bitcoin payments for flights. Back then, CheapAir.com stated, "For now, we're only accepting Bitcoin for flight bookings made on CheapAir.com. We hope to extend this payment option in the near future to hotels and flights booked via our iOS app." Looks like they meant what they said, because today, CheapAir.com announced that users can now make hotel reservations....
It's wasn't terribly long ago (late November, in fact) that CheapAir.com had begun accepting bitcoins for flights. We're now at the start of February, and the company will now begin accepting bitcoins for hotel reservations at over 200,000 properties around the world. The move comes amidst the success of bitcoin flights. CheapAir.com CEO Jeff Klee said that the company has "been really pleasantly surprised by the response," noting that they've made "a lot more" sales paid for with bitcoin than they initially anticipated. The move expands horizons for bitcoin enthusiasts with an interest in....