NSA is Working on an Encryption-Cracking Quantum Computer.
Surprised? Probably not. According to recent documents from Edward Snowden, the National Security Agency is spending $79.7 million on a research program called “Penetrating Hard Targets”. This project involves building a quantum computer that would be able to break most types of encryption. At the moment, the agency is nowhere near completion of the project, so no need to worry yet. However, the NSA is already pretty good at breaking encryption and bribes companies to promote flawed encryption, so with this much power and money, it doesn’t seem too far-fetched that the NSA will....
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Image Source: NSA. A new report has come forth today with some potentially startling news in the world of zeroes and ones. The Washington Post notes that the National Security Agency (NSA) is looking to build a quantum computer capable of cracking today's encryption. That's according to former Booz Allen Hamilton worker Edward Snowden (who was contracted by the NSA), who's found himself all over the news for leaking top secret information relating to the security agency's privacy-shattering projects. Said quantum computer is part of a $79.9 million research program called "Penetrating Hard....
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