Price Per Bitcoin Above $1000 Following Overstock Sales Numbers
The price per bitcoin is once again past the $1,000 mark at exchange Mt. Gox, following news that Overstock.com had made $130,000 in the first day of accepting bitcoin resounded through the community - making it the first major retailer in the world to do so. As of this writing, the price is $1,013 per bitcoin, up over 6% in the past 24 hours. The price has reached a high of $1,023 today and a low of $935 - reminding us that the currency is still volatile as ever. Meanwhile at Bitstamp, the price is over $100 less than Gox, at $898 per bitcoin at the time of this writing. While we're not....
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International retail giant Overstock.com is reporting that it expects to complete $3m in total bitcoin sales for 2014. The figures are notable given that the e-commerce company had issued a wide range of potential estimates for its first-year bitcoin sales over the course of the year. In March, CEO Patrick Byrne suggested Overstock was on pace to achieve $10m-$15m, or even $20m, in bitcoin sales. Such estimates were also below the $5m Byrne said Overstock originally anticipated, though on par with those suggested by Overstock chairman of the board Jonathan Johnson in interviews. Judd....
Bitcoin supporter Overstock.com, led by long-time Bitcoin supporter CEO Patrick Byrne, are projecting three million US Dollars in overall sales for merchandise purchased with Bitcoin for 2014. The amount is a marked drop from the fast start projections Overstock claimed early on, based on the initial flurry of Bitcoin activity the once-largest Bitcoin merchant experienced early on. Overstock Initial Forecast Was Over $10M for 2014. Overstock has spent almost the entire year accepting Bitcoin, taking their first orders on January 9th, netting almost 800 orders and over $100k in revenue from....
As the first major retailer to accept bitcoin payment, many have keenly watched Overstock.com; they are expecting $3 million in bitcoin sales for 2014. Projections of the 2014 bitcoin sales for this retail powerhouse have been all over the board, and speculated by many. When bitcoin payment on Overstockfirst became available in January of this year, the sales were far beyond company expectations. Early projections from the first couple of months of this year had bitcoin sales as high as $10-20 million for 2014. CEO Patrick Byrne stated that Overstock originally anticipated $5 million in....
It has been less than two months since e-commerce giant Overstock.com began accepting bitcoin payments on their website, and the online retailer has already surpassed $1m in total sales. Overstock's CEO Patrick Byrne confirmed the company's plans to embrace bitcoin back in December, and bitcoin payment processing officially went live on Overstock.com on 9th January. Byrne spoke with CoinDesk about its $1m milestone, asserting that while the initial surge of bitcoin sales did subside, there has since been steady growth in bitcoin payments: "In the first day there was an enormous surge of....