Paypal's Future Use Of Bitcoin Is Closer Than You Think
Earlier today, David Marcus (The current President of Paypal) tweeted: To clarify: we have no policies against using PayPal to sell Bitcoin mining rigs. We don't support any currency txn whether fiat or BTC... ...for a host of regulatory issues. But we treat BTC and any FX txn the same way. We're believers in BTC though. Now, when we here at CCN first reported on this happenstance, we were emphasizing David Marcus stating that Paypal is a believer in Bitcoin. I want to take a quick second later to dictate exactly what Paypal being a believer in Bitcoin means (hint, don't get your hopes....
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PayPal has joined forces with Bitcoin as a sort of keep-your-friends-close-and-your-enemies closer tactic. Bitcoin is designed to overtake and make obsolete services like Paypal and Western Union. It is faster, less expensive, and doesn't require their third-party services to accomplish the same objectives. It is a better PayPal, and they know it. Now that the Internet has borne this superior option, it would be wise for PayPal to foster a stronger connection with its customer base to keep them happy and in the fold, no? PayPal doesn't see it that way. In fact, they may be looking to drive....
Paypal or Bitcoin? Or Both? The diaspora of arguments touting Bitcoin's superiority over Paypal is endless. There are economic incentives for buyers and sellers, large and small, to use Bitcoin vs Paypal. Simultaneously, there are still infrastructure gaps that may prevent the efficient use of Bitcoin over Paypal at this time. Today, I will focus on why I (me, me, me), and by extension why you, should use Bitcoin instead of Paypal. Centralized Vs. Decentralized. Any Paypal user, whether a buyer or a seller, will at some point run into issues with Paypal's centralized structure. For....
The mega-wallet provider Coinbase and global payments leader PayPal have formed the start of a new agreement that will allow PayPal customers to do more than ever before with Bitcoin. PayPal is actively investing in Bitcoin’s future. As Bitcoin prices fluctuate wildly before the halving event next month, now taking a downturn even more impressive than its previous bull-run, the Bitcoin community continues to add infrastructure and forge major new deals that make for a stronger future. Bitcoin price and charts may change every day, but it is a good time to look beneath the numbers for true....
PayPal CEO Dan Schulman has doubled down on his bullish stand on Bitcoin, crypto, and its underlying technology. In a recent interview with CTech, the executive talked about the future of finance, digital assets, and how the two will merge in the next era of the digital economy. Related Reading | Paypal Wants Its Own […]
PayPal is often seen as an enemy to the bitcoin ecosystem. But the man heading the company, David Marcus, seemingly has some high hopes for bitcoin's future. Speaking at LeWeb in Paris on Tuesday, Marcus suggested that bitcoin has a better chance of catching on in the future than a technology like NFC (near-field communications). Instead swiping or using a PIN pad, they're tapping. How is that really better? How is that changing your life? People don't want that