Could Krugman's Nemesis Friedman Be Bitcoin's Mysterious Creator?
A Satirical Look at the Eerily Accurate Bitcoin Prediction Video Surfaces to Haunt Paul Krugman. In contrast to the article Paul Krugman wrote, an opinion piece titled Bitcoin is Evil, a video has surfaced on YouTube from Krugman's one time nemesis: the legendary economist Milton Friedman. The 94-year-old Friedman supposedly died in 2006. I explain why I....
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In this video clip, Paul Krugman demonstrates once again that prizes don’t make you an expert on everything. Indeed, his poor prognostications happen so frequently that one wonders if Krugman is an expert on anything. I don’t say that to be unpleasant. If you’re going on TV and enjoying a lavish lifestyle by pretending to know what you’re talking about,....
American Economist Paul Krugman has written another anti-Bitcoin piece that, believe it or not, is much less accurate than Krugman's original Bitcoin article released in late 2013 on the New York Times, titled Bitcoin is Evil. In the "evil" article, Krugman didn't support his titular claim within the text of the opinion article. In fact, it's almost as if he wrote his article in response to Charlie Stross's wish for a quick and fiery Bitcoin death, and added the title as a joke. Krugman specifically referred to his analysis of "Bitcoin" as a positive one, which he was trying to maintain....
Nobel Prize-winning economist Paul Krugman says he has given up predicting the imminent demise of bitcoin. The economist now suggests thinking of the cryptocurrency “as a cult that can survive indefinitely.” Nonetheless, Krugman still believes that bitcoin has no fundamentals. Paul Krugman Likens Bitcoin to a Cult That Can Survive Indefinitely Nobel laureate Paul Krugman said on Twitter last week that he has given up on predicting bitcoin’s demise. Krugman won The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel in 2008 “for his analysis of....
Bitcoin and its crypto-cash counterparts are essentially trustless monetary systems that upend the banking establishment's ideals of how a financial system should operate. Intriguingly, the concept of digital money was predicted as far back as the late '90s. Milton Friedman was one of the most renowned economists of the 20th century and his ideas radically changed the way that policymakers made their decisions. Friedman foresaw that bitcoin, or something like it, could have great advantages and would inevitably be developed - much to the animosity of incumbent institutions in the financial....
Dr Patrick Byrne, CEO of Overstock.com, sure loves Bitcoin. It's unsurprising, seeing as his company has seen massive Bitcoin transactions since Overstock began accepting Bitcoin a few weeks ago with over $100,000 in sales. But in a recent interview with conservative news outlet Rare, Byrne discusses his views on Bitcoin and counters Paul Krugman's assertion that "Bitcoin is Evil". https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/129661708. Byrne doesn't beat around the bush. He dives right in with one of the first things he says being, "[Krugman] went crazy about a decade ago, more than a decade." Byrne....