New York Hearings Open in Shrem's Shadow
This is perhaps New York's biggest ever news week when it comes to bitcoin. Some of it is positive, and some negative. This morning sees the beginning of a two-day hearing on bitcoin from the state's financial regulator. Elsewhere in the city, luminaries will meet at a breakfast hosted by the Economic Development Forum, to talk about the future of the currency. And then, there's Charlie Shrem. New York has been an uncertain place for bitcoin-based businesses. Although regulations at the federal level have moved forward slightly, things are still inconsistent and unclear. And New York is....
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Bitcoin entrepreneur Charlie Shrem will gain temporary reprieve from months of house arrest this week as he attends a premiere at New York City's Tribeca Film Festival. Although he wasn't able to provide specific details surrounding his release or attendance at the event, Shrem confirmed to CoinDesk that he would attend the launch of the documentary 'The Rise and Rise of Bitcoin', in which he appears. Arrested publicly over money laundering allegations in January, Shrem has protested his treatment, saying he had been cooperating with authorities in their investigations into bitcoin's....
Former BitInstant CEO and noted bitcoin entrepreneur Charlie Shrem is set to give a talk at the upcoming American Banker Digital Currencies conference in New York on 29th July. His discussion, entitled "Bitcoin Pitfalls - And How To Avoid Them", will focus on Shrem's colorful history with bitcoin, while putting a special emphasis on the challenges facing innovators. Shrem's appearance at the conference in New York is notable considering his exit from Bitcoin in the Beltway late last month. Rumors that he was banned from the Washington, DC conference owing to legal problems were later....
Once the Vice Chairman of the Bitcoin Foundation and CEO of BitInstant, Charlie Shrem's fall from grace, began at JFK airport in New York where police arrested him on charges of money laundering and acting as an unlicensed money transmitter. Authorities alleged Shrem laundered more than $1 million. Shrem faced a maximum sentence of 30 years in prison. Shrem's true story starts with BitInstant and his nightlife lifestyle via his Bitcoin accepting club in New York. Shrem was ultimately sentenced to two years in prison for Silk Road related charges. U. S. District Judge Jed Rakoff in....
Charlie Shrem, a bitcoin entrepreneur facing federal money laundering charges, is no longer under 24-hour house arrest. Shrem still has restrictions related to his legal situation that include a curfew and limits on his ability to travel, but the modification allows the 24-year-old to pursue work opportunities, provided he does not leave New York. The changes to Shrem's home confinement terms give him the ability to leave his residence between the hours of 9am and 9pm, Sunday through Thursday. He is restricted to the geography of New York City, and must continue wearing a GPS monitoring....
Charlie Shrem's arrest could not have have come at a worse time. The BitInstant founder and Bitcoin Foundation vice chairman was charged last week with conspiracy to commit money laundering, failure to report suspicious financial activities to authorities and for operating BitInstant without a money transmitter license just days before the BitLicense hearings, EDC breakfast and Wells Fargo panel in New York City. While news of his arrest stole headlines across the major news media, a larger debate raged within the community regarding Shrem: how should the Bitcoin Foundation, the industry's....