Disruption: Is Western Union the Next Blockbuster?
Bitcoin could cause trouble for Western Union. New cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin are disruptive by their very nature. They allow for cheaper, faster, and easier payments than any system can currently do. Market leaders in remittances, banking, and investing, could have their world turned upside down by the new Bitcoin ecosystem! Since Bitcoin allows for many banking or payment transfer “functions” to be automated by user created applications (similar to apps. in the iTunes app. store), some believe that these currencies could disrupt industry leaders like Western Union and Paypal in a same....
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For many in the bitcoin industry, Western Union is the epitome of everything that's wrong with traditional finance - one might say it's the Blockbuster Video of a financial world that is on the verge of a Netflix solution. As a result of this complicated history, bitcoin commentators took aim at Western Union's latest act in the digital currency space: its public comment on New York's controversial BitLicense proposal. Published last week as part of a release of more than 3,700 comments that included big-name brands like Amazon and Walmart, it was Western Union's submission that perhaps....
In the world of cash-transfers, few other companies come to mind as instantaneously as Western Union. If you’ve walked in a convenience store anywhere between the west and east coast of the United States, you’ve probably seen a banner for Western Union. The remittance provider is currently facing a preliminary antitrust inquiry as the EU examines allegations of Western Union intentionally driving rivals out of business. Allegedly, Western Union is giving their retail outlet partners contracts with exclusivity contracts in them which don’t allow other cash-transfer services to operate....
Western Union Chief Information Officer John "David" Thompson was interviewed by Coindesk this week and made some very revealing comments about Bitcoin, and its future in global monetary transfer. Many know Western Union as the world's largest personal monetary transfer corporation, founded way back in 1851. Operating in 220 countries worldwide, it generated almost $800M last year in net income, which is down over 20% from 2012. I wonder why it is down over $200M all of the sudden? Also read: Digital Currency Advocate: What Western Union CEO Is Missing. Western Union CIO: Bitcoin doesn't....
As new U.S. government measures that impose restrictions on remittances to Cuba becomes effective after November 22, Western Union, which has been operating in the island nation since 1999, will close shop. The new rule, which was published on October 27, gave Western Union 30 days to implement new restrictions. The new rule is likely to increase the appeal of crypto assets as Cubans are now expected to find a suitable alternative in a very short space of time. Targeted Sanctions At the time of the initial U.S. government announcement, the global remittances giant had promised to find a....
The future of cryptocurrency seems to be solidified more and more every month, with the growing interest in Bitcoin technology all over the world. Bitcoin has often been referred to as the disruption of the remittance sector, due to its global availability and low fees when sending money around the world. It comes as quite a surprise to find out Western Union has invested in Digital Currency Group, a company focusing on Bitcoin and blockchain. It is always positive for any business in the world of Bitcoin and blockchain to secure additional investment. Things may seem a bit strange when an....