Price Drops as Mt. Gox Blames Bitcoin Flaw for Withdrawal Delays
Mt. Gox has issued a statement in an effort to address concerns raised by users after it suspended bitcoin withdrawals late last week. The exchange insists it is working hard to address a technical issue that has made it impossible for users to make transfers. The company also points out that currency withdrawals and transfers to any Mt. Gox address are not affected by the issue. Mt. Gox stressed that the problem is not limited to its exchange - it affects all transactions where bitcoins are sent to a third party. Once the problem was identified, Mt. Gox chose to suspend bitcoin....
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Click here to fill in our brief poll. Once the biggest exchange by market share, Mt. Gox looms over the bitcoin economy. But the Tokyo-based exchange has lost its dominant position and complaints about its service from customers are growing louder. Although delays in routine transactions like withdrawals are to be expected of any fast growing startup, the number of complaints about withdrawal delays at Mt. Gox have been mounting. The thread dedicated to the topic at Bitcoin Talk, for example, has accumulated more than 3,300 posts. Forum members have complained about withdrawals taking....
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