Bitcoin Foundation Confirms Work on Transaction Malleability-Related Bug Fixes
Gavin Adresen has provided the bitcoin community with an update related to the ongoing distributed denial of service attack (DDOS) that takes advantage of the transaction malleability issue we've been reported so much on these past two days. "Somebody (or several somebodies) is taking advantage of the transaction malleability issue and relaying mutated versions of transactions," wrote Andresen on a blog post. "This is exposing bugs in both the reference implementation and some exchange's software." Users of the reference implementation who are bitten by this bug may see their bitcoins....
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For the past several days*, the Bitcoin network has been plagued by a so-called "transaction malleability attack." Bitcoin users have experienced a number of annoyances, causing confusion and frustration. And while the transaction malleability issue is well-known and has plagued the Bitcoin network before, to many it is still unclear what it is, why it is a problem, who is causing the attack right now, and what can be done about it. *According to the claimed attacker (see below), the attack is currently paused at the time of writing, but could and probably will be continued at any time.....
Updated with commentary from core developer Mike Hearn. Update 20th March 6:30 pm GMT: Updated with commentary from BitMonet founder and developer Ankur Nandwani. Update 21st March 6:30 pm GMT: Updated with commentary from bitcoin developer Peter Todd. Bitcoin's core developers have released the latest update to the bitcoin reference client, version 0.9.0, which includes transaction malleability-related fixes, as well as updates to how transactions are relayed on the network. Version 0.9.0 notably includes coin control features and a Windows 64-bit installer, among other updates, bug fixes....
The Bitcoin Network Under Attack. If you are involved in the Bitcoin ecosystem at all, in the last 72 hours you have been exposed to the phrase "transaction malleability." It's what Mt Gox blamed when it enacted a sudden and prolonged halting of all withdrawals, and it's the vehicle for what has been called a "massive and concerted attack" on various bitcoin exchanges. Transaction malleability had also been a known characteristic of the Bitcoin protocol for a while, as pointed out by many in the community when Mt Gox cited it as a security liability. Despite all of this tumult within the....
One week. Four headline events. Culprit: Transaction Malleability. Although the media grouped the events under the single banner of Transaction Malleability, a closer look reveals that the three incidents involving Mt. Gox, a DDoS attack, Silk Road 2.0 and the Bitcoin client were in fact each unique and in two cases not even related to transaction malleability at all. To understand Transaction Malleability we have to define some terms: Malleability - the quality of being pliable without breaking - often used in reference to metals, but in this context it simply means “changeable without....
The Bitcoin Classic team has announced the release of Bitcoin Classic 1.2 beta on GitHub, a release that will include a whole host of new features like TransFlex, which, according to the announcement, will solve transaction malleability problems. Bitcoin Classic Tackles Transaction Malleability With New Update. While there are other added features, the....