LibertyTeller Launches Second Bitcoin Vending Machine in Harvard Square
Image Courtesy: LibertyTeller (Twitter). As quiet as the first launch in South Station came, the folks over at LibertyTeller have launched their second machine in Harvard Square in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Also a unit from Lamassu, the device serves as a bitcoin vending machine, allowing users to insert U. S. dollars in exchange for bitcoin in approximately thirty seconds. The move isn't surprising. When I spoke to Kyle Powers and Chris Yim in Boston several weeks ago, they told me they had plans to expand, but at the time were uncertain of locations. Specifically, the unit is located at....
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Source: 'odds-on', Reddit.com. Yesterday, various media outlets (including newsBTC) reported that the first known Lamassu bitcoin vending machine was to hit New Mexico in the coming days. As it turns out, that just might not be accurate. Reddit.com user 'odds-on' posted this photo to a photo sharing service, noting that he spotted the Lamassu machine during his morning commute in Boston's South Station right here in Massachusetts. The device is branded with a LibertyTeller logo, and it would appear the company has a website. Therein, information that the company was founded by close....