My Virgin Bitcoin Spending Experiences
Modified image is from astudio @ shutterstock.com. Well I've been "into" Bitcoin for nearly a year and like most people I've simply been hoarding my coin. It's time to start spending! I recently had the opportunity to register forBitcoin2014(come join me!http://bitcoin2014.com/) in Amsterdam and naturally since the option of paying via bitcoin was....
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250,000 US Dollars or 297 Bitcoins (at 840$/BTC). This is what a space travel costs with Virgin Galactic, Virgin Group's company that is specialized in space tourism. The price is visible on Virgin Calactic's website and also mentioned by Virgin's founder, billionaire businessman Richard Branson, in an interview for CNBC, stating he invested in Bitcoin in the past. This news coincides with the creation of BTCTrip and an announcement by CheapAir, another travel agency that is already long in business, both now accept Bitcoin for flight and hotel bookings. So, currently one can travel around....
Ever since Sir Richard Branson announced his latest venture, Virgin Galactic, would be accepting bitcoin for short trips into the atmosphere, we haven't heard much on the topic from the company. Now, we're learning that about "six or seven" individuals have booked flights with Virgin Galactic using the digital currency, according to Branson - who's in Davos, Switzerland for the World Economic Forum. Each ticket on a Virgin Galactic flight runs at a whopping $250,000, and a number of high-profile people have signed up for the opportunity, including Justin Bieber and Lady Gaga. Virgin....
On Friday, British billionaire Sir Richard Branson announced to the world that his latest and greatest Virgin venture - Virgin Galactic - would be accepting Bitcoin payments. The spaceline takes passengers to the very edge of space, allowing them to experience 10-or-so minutes of weightlessness. The price of admission? A cool $250,000 USD, or just over 300 BTC. Surprisingly enough, someone has already booked a Virgin Galactic flight using Bitcoin. A stewardess from Hawaii, who Branson says "made quite a lot of money by getting into Bitcoin early on", will be taking a ride soon enough,....
Some incredible news coming from the one and only Sir Richard Branson today. The founder of the world-famous Virgin companies today announced via Twitter that his out-of-the-world venture - Virgin Galactic - will be accepting Bitcoins for space flights. The venture has set up a web page titled "Bitcoins in space" dedicated to their decision to accept the digital currency. The opening statement reads: Virgin Galactic is one of the universe's most exciting, futuristic companies. Bitcoin, the virtual currency, has really captured the imagination recently as one of the world's most innovative....
Sir Richard Branson has revealed that his commercial space flight venture Virgin Galactic is to accept payment in bitcoins. The 63-year-old entrepreneur is best known as the founder of Virgin Group, which owns more than 400 companies including the Virgin Atlantic airline and telecommunications provider Virgin Media. A post on Branson's blog states that a female flight attendant from Hawaii has already purchased her Virgin Galactic ticket in bitcoins. Want to come to space with @virgingalactic? Now you can pay with #bitcoins! (One future astronaut has already) http://t.co/dYVmSBLVAF. -....