ZipZap Halts Processing Digital Currency Transactions in the UK
It was with great excitement that ZipZap announced last year they would be adding thousands of cash-to-bitcoin locations in the United Kingdom - effectively allowing clients to purchase bitcoin at over 25,000 participating locations. Fast forward to the present time, and the program has come to a grinding halt. The company is currently not accepting cash for bitcoin in the country anymore, according to a report from CoinSpectator. The reason? "Ongoing" issues with PayPoint, the company that serves as ZipZap's payment processing backbone. PayPoint has asked ZipZap to stop accepting cash for....
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Some better news for residents in the United Kingdom who might be looking to buy bitcoin. ZipZap announced on Tuesday that they're bringing their global cash transaction network back to 20,000 retail locations in the UK. The announcement come following a news item at the end of March in which we learned that the company would be halting the processing of digital currency transactions. The halt directly related to ZipZap's payment processor, PayPoint, and its desire to put the processing on hold until the legalities surrounding there digital currency transactions became clearer. Now, ZipZap....
Global cash payment network ZipZap has temporarily halted digital currency transactions, after partner and non-bitcoin payment processor PayPoint said it needed more clarification on surrounding regulations. ZipZap CEO Alan Safahi told CoinDesk the company had not ended its relationship with PayPoint, adding that it was still working with them for non-digital currency clients, and to add more payment locations. He said such issues were a fact of life for bitcoin businesses who needed to operate within the traditional fiat world. He added: "They only halted digital currency processing until....
Firstly, what’s ZipZap? ZipZap is a payment network through which people can buy bitcoins with cash and some other payment methods. Personally, any way to spread bitcoin to more people is great in every way, and more so when you give them easier ways to access bitcoin. From the website, it says that the team behind ZipZap expects digital currency to reduce poverty, create jobs, improve healthcare, and a couple more. I was able to arrange an interview with Alan Safahi, CEO at ZipZap, in which he answered a few short questions:
Global transaction network ZipZap is going big. The company, which allows customers to buy bitcoin through scores of retail locations in places like the United Kingdom, has announced a major expansion. The company said on Wednesday that their service is now available in a whopping 34 countries throughout Europe, allowing consumers to use their local fiat to purchase bitcoin and a slew of other digital currencies. As a step to getting here, ZipZap said they have formed strategic partnerships across the European Union, which will surely benefit enthusiasts of digital currency. "ZipZap has a....
Global cash transaction network ZipZap has formally reinstated its bitcoin buying service at more than 20,000 partner retail locations in the UK. The news follows an abrupt halt of the company's digital currency services this March, when its UK-based payment processor PayPoint said it would require more regulatory clarification regarding bitcoin to support the offering. This resumed service is the result of ZipZap's new partnership with payments acceptance network Payzone. The Ireland-headquartered company has thus far indicated it does not share PayPoint's reservations about the....