BTC China CEO: Most Countries Will Defer to US on Bitcoin Regulation
Bobby Lee has a theory on why most countries aren't enacting new Bitcoin regulations. While there are currently many different countries around the world making their own recommendations when it comes to how Bitcoin should be regulated, the reality of the situation is that most central banks and regulators are looking to the United States for guidance on this matter. Although many Bitcoin entrepreneurs in the United States have denounced their country's stance on Bitcoin thus far, the truth of the matter is that New York City is still the financial center of the world. There has been a....
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PRESS RELEASE. October 2021, leading Crypto service comparison site – Cryptowisser, take an in-depth look at the recent crypto ban in China as well as several other countries who legally restrict crypto currency in some way and why.
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This news comes at a time where the UK finds itself in an awkward position after the Brexit. Many experts assumed the region would lose its appeal in the financial sector, but that does not appear to be the case. Regulation plays an integral role in the world of finance. Now that Fintech and Bitcoin efforts are gaining more traction, a lot of these guidelines need to be revised and updated. Regulators in the UK and China will be working together to create a new framework for financial projects in the 21st century. In the world of regulation, collaboration is a must these days. When....
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Over the weekend, The Economist offered its takeon Bitcoin’s (and other altcoins’) China problem. It argues that regulation has driven people in China out of that market in droves over the last four months or so, which isn’t a shock to anyone. “Most investors have left the market,” BTC China’s Bobby Lee told the magazine. In late November, Bitcoin’s value against the dollar broke well clear of the $1,000 mark. On some exchanges, it peaked above $1,300. More than 100,000 Bitcoins were traded daily on the BTC China exchange, and we were all excited about China leading the way. Today,....