Bitcoin Breaks the Fourth Wall of Liberty
The most pressing problem evangelical bitcoiners and libertarians face is one of communication. Occasionally on purpose, but more often by accident, they erect four walls and create a barrier between their world and the rest of the world. They struggle to project their glorious message beyond a four-sided prison. In order to engage the audience, they....
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The Liberty Beat Partners with Genesis Communications Network. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE. Contact: John Bush, Owner and Editor in Chief of The Liberty Beat. Phone: 512-773-6102. San Marcos, TX - The Liberty Beat, your daily source for liberty news and activist updates, is announcing a new partnership with the Genesis Communications Network that will greatly expand the reach of the program. The daily news service will also soon be producing three updated editions a day. Since January of 2013, The Liberty Beat has provided daily top-of-the-hour news that could be heard on LRN. FM and up to 14....
How do Bitcoin’s properties present the best opportunity to seize liberty humanity has ever seen?
Jeffrey discovered Bitcoin only in February of 2013, and has written some 20 articles on the topic since that time, mainly because its emergence challenged much of what he thought he knew about money, banking, and entrepreneurship. Jeffrey has been a vocal supporter of Bitcoin and is the CLO of Liberty.me. The Coin Telegraph: As you mentioned in Liberty.me’s IndieGoGo campaign, the wants of liberty-minded people have finally found a convergence point with available technology. How much do you imagine this technology will nudge others toward liberty-minded pursuits? Jeffrey Tucker: In the....
There's at least one lesson to be learned from the recent closure of Liberty Reserve for alleged money laundering: whether you use "real" government-backed fiat or a distributed digital currency controlled by no one in particular, what you use it for is subject to laws and regulations of many kinds. Fall afoul of those, and the authorities will sooner or later come looking for you. The Costa Rica-based Liberty Reserve used its own digital currency -- also called the Liberty Reserve, or LR -- to provide low-cost payment processing services to customers around the world. Its ease of payments....
Bitcoin was not the first type of online money to be ever created, as it was preceded by E-Gold and Liberty Reserve, to name a few. The creator of Liberty Reserve was sentenced to 20 years in prison on May 6th. Ever since its inception, there has been a lot of discussion about the validity of Liberty Reserve. Transferring money over the Internet with....