Chicago Sun-Times Becomes First Major US Newspaper to Accept Bitcoin
Following its successful test with bitcoin micropayments provider BitWall back in February, the Chicago Sun-Times has announced that it has partnered with San Francisco-based bitcoin startup Coinbase to accept bitcoin payments. That test saw the newspaper receive more than 700 bitcoin donations over a 24-hour trial period in support of the non-profit Taproot foundation, which offers pro-bono service work to organisations tackling social problems. The announcement makes the Sun-Times the first US newspaper to accept bitcoin as a payment option, a move that editor in chief Jim Kirk indicated....
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Bitcoin paywall provider BitWall is partnering with the Chicago Sun-Times to conduct a 24-hour bitcoin paywall test. The experiment, the first of its kind for a major US publication, will happen on the Sun-Times website on 1st February. Readers accessing articles during this time will see an overlay "wall" before accessing an article. They will be given the option to pay to see the article with bitcoin, or to tweet the story for access. "We continue to experiment and test new technologies that we believe engage our readers and look forward to being the first major USA newspaper to test a....
Founded in 1948, the Chicago Sun-Times has come a long way through varies eras of technological advancements. Announced today, the Chicago Sun-Times will be embracing the full potential power of Bitcoins. Partnering up with Bitwall, on February 1st, a pay-wall will be put up, allowing online readers to either donate Bitcoins, or tweet about the article and event. With a daily readership of 450,000, and being the 9th largest newspaper in the U. S, Bitcoin donations will surely follow. This is less than a week after Overstock announced they will accept Bitcoins as a form of payment on their....
Following a bitcoin paywall trial in February of this year, the Chicago Sun-Times announced on Thursday that they will be accepting bitcoin payments for subscriptions to the newspaper. The acceptance makes the Sun-Times as the first major newspaper to accept bitcoin. The publication's publisher and editor-in-chief, Mr. Jim Kirk says that this particular move is a reflection of the paper's "digital-first" strategy. "Our goal is to keep the Sun-Times current and evolving with changing technology," Kirk said. "Accepting bitcoin payments is one of many ways we are working to stay digitally....
On 7th January, the temperature in Chicago was -4 degrees Farenheit (that's -20 degrees Celsius). That evening, a Tuesday, nearly 40 people ventured out in to the Arctic conditions and gathered at the Atlas Brewing Company for beer and food. The reason? Bitcoin. In a city with a population of 2.7 million, 40 people at a bitcoin meetup is clearly a drop in the ocean. But bitcoin's Chicago cheerleaders say it's a sign of a dedicated community, one they say is growing. What's more, they argue, the city is ripe to host a flourishing bitcoin economy. Experimenting with bitcoin. At the end of....
The Chicago Sun-Times became the first major newspaper to accept bitcoin in early April and it appears this news has already translated into sales for the US publication. The paper told newsBTC that around 11.3% of new orders over the past week were paid for in bitcoin. The Chicago Sun-Times claims it usually receives a few dozen subscription orders per week. This week the paper got 62 orders: 23 were placed online using a credit card, 32 came from the paper's call centre, while seven were paid for in bitcoin. Surprised by demand. Keep in mind that these are figures for the first week of....