Open Ledger Accounting
by Erica and Stefan Armstrong (wife and husband accounting team) and David Mondrus. Open ledger accounting has the potential to make accounting more accurate and simpler than ever. One of the problems with accounting as it currently stands is its inability to provide 100% accuracy. This might be surprising for those not actively managing books day to....
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Blockchain representatives from each of the 'Big Four' accounting firms are set to meet this morning with the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants to discuss establishing a distributed ledger consortium. Held at Microsoft's headquarters in New York City, the event marks the first meeting between blockchain specialists from Deloitte, Ernst & Young, KPMG and PwC. Collectively, the accounting firms in attendance last year generated $123.7bn revenue. The gathering is being hosted by ethereum-focused startup Consensys. According to Consensys head of blockchain accounting,....
The four major accounting firms in the world are set to meet with the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants to discuss the establishment of a distributed ledger consortium. Known as the 'Big Four', Deloitte, Ernst & Young, KPMG and PwC will be looking at various Blockchain solutions for the accounting sector just as the R3 Consortium - which has over 50 members - has been doing the financial sector. R3 seems to have set a trend. R3 and over 15 of its consortium member banks recently successfully completed two prototypes which demonstrate how distributed ledger technology can....
IBM is heading an open source project called the "Open Ledger Project" that is overseen by the Linux Foundation and includes major tech and banking giants. In essence, the Open Ledger Project will ostensibly lead to the creation of a pseudo-private(?) but open-source ledger that is likely to have applications beyond its participants, according to reports. Although details are currently limited to reports by WIRED, Fortune and Bloomberg, IBM has laid the foundation for a new open-source blockchain with the Open Ledger Project that is supported by the likes of Intel and Cisco in the tech....