Bitcoin Specie Coin: A Unique Bitcoin That Is Not A Bitcoin
In my search for physical Bitcoins, I ran across the Bitcoin Specie coin. It is a 1oz .999 silver coin that does not have any Bitcoin value. It has a QR code that takes you to a webpage to give you the current value in several different currencies starting with Bitcoin. This whole concept is to promote Bitcoin and get coins in peoples's hands they will use and carry around with them. I brought mine to the Inside Bitcoins Conference in NYC on April 7-8. I had several comments on it, and all were positive. Matthew Carson of Minersource.net thinks it is a great idea and an excellent way to....
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After dipping to a low of four Satoshi, the price of proof-of-stake coin Qora has more than doubled its price, breaking a 90-day trend of stagnation which saw it hovering between and five and six Satoshi per coin. This is a strong showing for a coin that has many similarities to NXT Coin, that unique kid on the block so popular in Britain. Also read: NxxtyCoin Price Plummets. Staked In. Qora is a 100% proof-of-stake coin, which means no mining has ever or will ever take place. Coins are generated by an interest like process called "staking." While this lowers the technical bar to entry for....
Coin Proz is a project set out to help publicize the top projects in crypto currency. With now over 1000 coins in the ecosystem and hundreds of projects, it is a real challenge to track and follow daily updates. The team has taken on the challenge of covering the top projects in crypto land and helping promote them. Coin Proz will be a unique platform in the digital currency realm. The Coin Proz team wants to help cryptocurrency cross the mass adoption threshold. By rewarding users for participation, the site aims to use that incentive to bring in new users by making it worth their time to....
Vericoin is today's Random Coin of the Day. I chose Vericoin for its unique outlook on decentralization of PoS (Proof of Stake) within its network. Vericoin uses VeriSMS and VeriBit for this purpose, where VeriSMS allows users to store Vericoin using SMS and withdraw it later, and VeriBit allows you to pay companies accepting Bitcoin, with Vericoin. VeriSMS is capable of being spoofed and hackers can withdraw your Vericoin to their address. Vericoin advises users of this service to not store large amounts of Vericoin through it. Vericoin is quick to the draw when problems occur with their....
1 BTC = 1000000 uBTC. Fuente de la imagen. If you have been involved with Bitcoin, both acquiring and spending coins, chances are you have told someone you know about it. Understanding Bitcoin or any Cryptocurrency for that matter can be very challenging for someone who has not been involved with it and has heard very little about it. When first trying to explain Bitcoin to some friends, I had a very hard time doing it well and left them more confused than informed. I have done some research and have figured out a way to explain it that even your grandparents could understand the basic....
Bitcoin is increasingly entering the gaming and gambling Industry. Every day, we see more and more companies starting to accept the digital currency while new developments are being made just for it. Dragon’s Tale is a unique Casino Role Play Game specifically made for Bitcoin users. Dragon’s Tale brought a new game style to the Industry and introduced an original Casino-based game where players can choose an avatar and play hundreds of minigames. Dragon’s Tale is currently the home of more than a hundred of unique casino minigames. There are a lot of skill and luck games that are actually....