Neo & Bee's Danny Brewster Speaks Out Again in Lengthy Reddit Post
A couple of weeks following Neo & Bee CEO Danny Brewster's post on a web forum regarding his mysterious disappearance comes another post on social sharing website Reddit in attempts to clear his name. Entitling his post The full picture from Danny Brewster, the post outlines some important information, which Brewster says is against all advice he's received on the matter. Brewster starts his post by addressing fraud concerns that have been bouncing through media outlets and social media platforms: I sold several people bitcoins for cash, most of which had them sent directly to their own....
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The week started with a lengthy post by Neo & Bee CEO Danny Brewster on a social media website in attempts to clear his name following the recent debacle surrounding his company. Mr. Brewster mysteriously disappeared from Cyprus, the location of his business, leaving his team in the dark and allegedy unpaid. In his post, Brewster says he was out of the country courting potential investors. He added that he's remained outside of the country due to threats against his family and the fact he had to attend a funeral. Interestingly, he added that he thinks the entire situation can be resolved....
Neo & Bee CEO Danny Brewster came forward on Reddit about the Neo & Bee case. He explains the fraud claims and thinks the police may be trying to set him up. Neo & Bee, another Bitcoin story making headlines. As if Mt. Gox was not enough... The Cypriot police are hunting CEO Danny Brewster, suspecting him of fraud. Meanwhile, Brewster is still in the United Kingdom, trying to get his business on the rails again. Because previous events showed that a long silence never did any good to a business in trouble, Brewster popped up on Reddit today. He explains his version of current events. Much....
Click For CCN's Greek Article. According to Cyprus News site, Cyprus-Mail, Cypriot police have issued an arrest warrant for Danny Brewster, the CEO of Neo & Bee. Last week, CCN wrote about the insolvency of Neo & Bee midst the suspension of Neo & Bee shares on Havelock Investments. It is now clear that Danny Brewster unceremoniously dumped his portion of his shares onto unsuspecting hopeful Bitcoin investors from around the world. Of course, as the shadowy world of Bitcoin securities is utterly unregulated and money disappears regularly, something that Danny Brewster and Neo & Bee know....
Andreas Antonopoulos worked as a consultant for Bitcoin enterprise Neo & Bee. He shed his light on current events in a blog post. There is an overdose of Neo & Bee news lately, but we think these views on the situation are worth being shared. Two Bitcoin high-profiles came forward and shed their light. Tuur Demeester and Andreas Antonopoulos were both connected to Neo & Bee's story. Demeester was contacted by CEO Danny Brewster, hoping he would become an investor. Antonopoulos worked as a consultant for the startup. Both of them are certain of one thing. Danny Brewster is the one to blame,....
Neo & Bee was a Cyprus-based bitcoin startup offering bitcoin savings and payment processing services. Founded by Danny Brewster, who also served as the CEO, Neo & Bee had an office in Nicosia and was targeting the European market with its bitcoin services. The company went bust in mid-2014 following the disappearance of Danny Brewster along with most of the funds belonging to the investors who bought the company’s shares from three exchanges including Havelock Investments. The company had allegedly raised over 9000 BTC, all of it unaccounted for. Since his disappearance by the end of....