Mycelium Local Trader App Is Out Of Beta: The Most Decentralized Exchange You Can Use Today

Mycelium Local Trader App Is Out Of Beta: The Most Decentralized Exchange You Can Use Today

Today, Mycelium announced that their Local Trader App has successfully made it through Beta testing and is now ready for the general Bitcoin populace. Mycelium Local Trader App allows users to create geographically tied sell orders. You can choose an exchange rate from BitStamp or Coinbase or BTC-e, then set a percentage above that which you would like to sell your Bitcoins at. Mycelium Local Trader App users in the area will be able to see the sell listing, and the potential buyer and potential seller are able to communicate within the Mycelium Local Trader App. The communication between....

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Mycelium Now Shows You Local Traders on a Map

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Mycelium Bitcoin Wallet Arrives for Apple Products; No Plans to Expand to Other Platforms

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