OpenSSL Software Foundation Now Accepts Bitcoin Donations
Those wanting to support the OpenSSL project can now make donations in bitcoin, as well as via more traditional means of payment. First released in 1998, OpenSSL is a commercial-grade, open-source toolkit implementing the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocols, as well as a full-strength general purpose cryptography library. Currently at version 1.0.1g, and with 1.0.2 currently in beta, it is estimated that OpenSSL is now used on two-thirds of all web servers. However, the OpenSSL project is headed by a relatively small team with just one full-time....
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Just last year, a major vulnerability in the OpenSSL protocol caused a lot of concern for internet traffic all around. Not only are nearly all sites protected by OpenSSL, but various web apps and other third-party platforms rely on this security standard as well. And even though heartbleed had been fixed for a while now, there are other vulnerabilities that need to be patched sooner rather than later. On Thursday – two days from the time of publication – a new version of OpenSSL will be released to the public that contains two major vulnerability patches. Considering the fact that most....