Silk Road Continues to Prove its Resilience

Silk Road Continues to Prove its Resilience

Silk Road 2.0 has reimbursed over half its users since the February heist and has no plans to stop. It seems like Silk Road is far more resilient than most people thought. Back in May 2013, Silk Road went down due to a sustained DDoS attack, but site admins were soon able to restore the service. Then in October 2013, the United States FBI shut down the illegal online drug marketplace and arrested the site's owner - Ross Ulbricht, formerly only known as “Dread Pirate Roberts”. Many Silk Road users feared that the site was gone for good, but on 6 November 2013, site admins launched “Silk....

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Silk Road Timeline

The FBI shut down black marketplace Silk Road a year ago. This hidden website was used for the sale and purchase of items and services such as drugs, weapons, fake passports and other forged documents. To refresh your memory of the full Silk Road story, check out our interactive timeline below: This article is part of CoinDesk's Silk Road: One Year On series. Keep checking back for new additions to the series. Road. Silk RoadTimelines