Bitcoin News in Review: Bitcoin Price, Sean's Outpost, Operation Choke Point, and More
Welcome to another Bitcoin News in Review, where we feature our top Bitcoin and cryptocurrency stories of the week. This week, we analyzed the Bitcoin price, saw troubles at Sean's Outpost, saw the results of the DOJ's “Operation Choke Point”, and more. Calvin Tran‘s back with another excellent video, which you can watch below. After that, keep scrolling to see our biggest stories this week on CryptoCoins News. Bitcoin is considered by many to be one of the most volatile investments possible. However, for the past few weeks, the price seems to have been dancing around $450 on most....
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Bitcoin-powered charity Sean's Outpost has hit a heartwarming milestone. According to founder Jason King, the organization has fed their 100,000th meal to those dealing with homelessness, primarily in the area of Pensacola, Florida. So... Sean's Outpost just fed our 100,000th meal to the homeless. Thought you would like to know. Thanks #bitcoin. - Sean's Outpost (@SeansOutpost) July 18, 2014. Sean's Outpost is one of the few charities out there that accept bitcoin as a primary form of funding. King and his team take their bitcoin donations and use them to buy food and other items for....
Sean's Outpost celebrated its first birthday! Bitcoin's preeminent homeless-support charity, Sean's Outpost, is under attack. According to Bitcoin Not Bombs, the Escambia Board of County Commissioners authorized the county attorney to file an injunction on Sean's Outpost and its "Satoshi Forest" project. The Board authorized the injunction with only three of the five commissioners present to vote. The latest in a series of attempts by the City of Pensacola to hinder the operation of Satoshi Forest, this injunction may be intentionally coming at a time when the charity's team is spread....
Outpost Thrift's exterior. Last week Sean's Outpost, the world's most active bitcoin charity, opened the doors to it's newest project: a thrift shop in the Outpost's hometown of Pensacola, FL. Boasting "over 11,000 square feet of knick-knacks, furniture, kitchen ware, toys, clothing, appliances, and so much more," Outpost Thrift gives even people of modest means a way to support homeless outreach while getting some pretty sweet antique pepper grinders and a VHS of True Lies. I personally got my hands on a very affordable 'Cheers' mug and some tasteful wine glasses. Sean's Outpost obtained....
Sean's Outpost, the Pensacola, Florida-based homeless outreach shelter that has been one of the more outspoken non-profits on the subject of digital currency, was hit hard by a heavy rain storm this week that resulted in damage to one of its signature projects. Satoshi's Forest, the nine-acre homeless sanctuary developed by Sean's Outpost, was severely flooded, newly released pictures show. The damage was not limited to Pensacola, however. News reports suggest, as much as two feet of water flooded homes and offices across Florida, which in turn lead to burst water pipes and at least one....
Over the past five months, Sean's Outpost has come to be perhaps the most well-known charity in the Bitcoin community. Sean's Outpost, a homeless shelter in Pensacola, Florida run by Jason King, first started accepting Bitcoin in March 2013, carrying a simple message: "When we break down cost, it runs about $1.25 to make a bagged lunch and get it delivered to a homeless person. 40 meals = $50. $50 is K1 BTC. Here is your chance to make a guaranteed, phenomenal return on your investment. Donating 1 bitcoin right now will put food in the tummies of 40 homeless people." Four days later,....