Bitcoin Foundation Lists New Board Members
The Bitcoin Foundation has listed its new board members on their site. The new members are Brock Pierce, Co-Founder of GoCoin, ExpressCoin, KnCMiner.cn and Robocoin Asia, and Bobby Lee, CEO and co-founder of BTC China. Pierce is also a financial partner of Sunlot Holdings, which has been in the works to buy Mt. Gox for one bitcoin. Pierce and his group want to rebuild the brand and eventually repay all those affected on the site. Mt Gox's past users will get 16.5% of equity in Sunlot and get paid dividends. With the news from China this week of banks closing Bitcoin sites' trading....
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Brock Pierce is now the Bitcoin Foundation President. The Bitcoin entrepreneur and venture capitalist has been elected as Chairman of the Board of the Bitcoin Foundation. Elected by a 3-0-1 vote, Pierce will now be succeeding Peter Veseness, the former Chairman. The Bitcoin Foundation is a non-profit organization and the role of Chairman along with the other Board members is an unpaid position. Broke Pierce thankfully accepted the position and immediately gave an insight of what were his intentions for the Bitcoin Foundation. "I wish to thank the industry members that elected me to the....
A number of Bitcoin Foundation members, unhappy with the current direction of the Foundation, have started to resign. That's according to this forum forum post on the Bitcoin Foundation board, in which annual member Patrick Alexander starts the thread with a resignation announcement: "Unfortunately I must resign as an individual member of the Bitcoin Foundation," Alexander writes in his post. He points to Charlie Shrem (former BitInstant CEO and accused money launderer), Mark Karpeles (former Mt. Gox CEO), and Brock Pierce (newly-elected board member who has dealt with legal issues of his....
The Bitcoin Foundation was founded in September 2012 with the stated mission to promote, protect and standardize the use of Bitcoin for the benefit of users around the globe. The organization was modeled on the Linux Foundation and is mainly funded by its members and by for-profit companies that depend on Bitcoin technology. A few days ago, one of the newly elected board members of the organization declared the group "effectively bankrupt", claiming that the board members were hiding the Bitcoin Foundation's financial difficulties to its members. Olivier Janssens stated: "The Bitcoin....