Mycelium: The Definitive Android Wallet
One of the most important strategies for the best Bitcoin adoption is smartphone wallets that give people and business the possibility of making a transaction anywhere. You can choose between different android bitcoin wallets such as Coinbase (50-100k users) or Blockchain.info (50-100k users) which store your private keys. Or choose Bitcoin Wallet....
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Mycelium has recently come out with a feature for their Android wallets called Local Trader, which allows people to buy and sell bitcoins locally, in person, with cash. Initially, the trades were limited to sell ads, meaning people willing to sell bitcoins could put up an ad, and those wishing to buy bitcoins could contact them and set up a time to meet and trade. The option to set up a buy ad, which would allow locals to convert their bitcoins back to cash, was delayed, since Mycelium wanted to first focus on helping those new to Bitcoin to have an easy way to get their first bitcoins.....
A critical security vulnerability has been found in Android which renders bitcoins stored in Android Bitcoin wallets vulnerable to theft, and the exploit is currently being used in the wild to steal people's bitcoins. Several people have reported that their Android wallets were cleared out and the funds sent to 1HKywxiL4JziqXrzLKhmB6a74ma6kxbSDj, an address which currently contains 55.8 BTC. Because the bug is a flaw in Android itself, all Android Bitcoin wallets are vulnerable. Bitcoin Wallet for Android, Bitcoin Spinner, the mobile version of blockchain.info and Mycelium Wallet are all....
Bitcoin wallet vendor Mycelium has announced the release of their new Bitcoin wallet and the launch of its crowdsale. This announcement was posted on Reddit and states that the new wallet shall be simply called Mycelium. The announcement claims that the new wallet has been equipped with a plug in API that will allow anyone to integrate their own services and features directly into the wallet. Prior to this, companies whose services run on Mycelium were usually added to the platform by its developers. But according to this release, with the new API businesses and developers will be able to....
Did you just pick up a new Galaxy phone that uses Android? Well, it is time to load it up with killer Bitcoin apps. Just because you’re on the go doesn’t mean you can’t make use of your stash of Bitcoins. Here we look at 10 Bitcoin apps that are highly rated by users, easy to use, and free. Let’s start with one that was just updated last week on Google Play. Mobile Bitcoin wallets are hot on Android, especially with the issues Apple has had with Bitcoin apps over the last two years. For many Bitcoin lovers, Apple pushed them into Android devices just to get great Bitcoin apps, and the new....
There’s been no official statements as of yet – but it looks like the Mycelium Wallet will be getting built-in peer-to-peer bitcoin mixing/tumbling later this year. The first testnet transaction from devs went out four days ago, and discussion on internal channels confirms that they’re working on integrating P2P tumbling into their popular Android wallet. P2P Tumbling In Mycelium Pipeline. As for details, so far we know they’re using the CoinShuffle protocol (whitepaper available here) and that it will be integrated into their growing number of peer-to-peer features, including local sales....