Bitcoin the Environmentalist
A lot has been made of Bitcoin's environmental impact. With the mining network now more powerful than all of the world's top supercomputers combined, it's understandable that some people would become concerned about power consumption and waste. Shouldn't there be a better way to do this, and is it even worth it, at all? First, to answer the former....
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Phenomenal piece by Reason Magazine. We at NewsBTC have been countering the Bitcoin-is-bad-for-the-environment narrative for a while now. Now, we have a new tool. A short and sweet documentary that rests on a devastating premise. “Such environmentalist attacks on bitcoin are best understood as a strategy by economic, media, and political elites to undermine a powerful new form of money that they can’t control.” Boom! That’s exactly what’s happening. Related Reading | Bitcoin Mining Vs. The World: BTC Leads Sustainable Energy Let’s explore the idea further, but first, let’s let....
Misleading attacks on bitcoin mining energy use are intensifying, and investors need to be aware of the adversaries that they face.
Bill Gates and president-elect Donald J. Trump had a telephone during which the Microsoft founder discussed his climate change views. The call didn’t leave the environmentalist billionaire totally depressed about the prospect of the next four years. Mr. Gates presented part of his climate change agenda for Mr. Trump in a phone call that the tech pioneer called “not unproductive.” The billionaire tech investor, and Bitcoin technology enthusiast, is a staunch proponent of combatting climate change with innovation. “The key point I was pushing there was the opportunity for innovation in not....
The bill once, approved by Governor Kathy Hochul, would make New York the first state in the U.S to put a moratorium on crypto mining. The New York State Senate approved a controversial proof-of-work (PoW) mining ban bill that would prohibit any new Bitcoin (BTC) mining operations in the state.The PoW mining ban bill was first passed by the state assembly in April last month. It aims to prohibit any new mining operations in the state for the next two years. Now, the bill is headed for the governor’s office, which once approved, would make New York the first state in the United States to....
Cool Valley, Missouri, a small town of about 1,500 in the St. Louis County area, found itself the subject of international attention recently after its mayor, Jayson Stewart, announced that he planned to give each resident up to $1,000 in Bitcoin.Stewart, a passionate environmentalist who spent years cleaning up the worlds oceans and ran on a platform of correcting old mistakes, believes Bitcoin education holds keys to growing the prosperity, well-being and sustainability of his town. Just as he dreams of a world without the environmental damage caused by irresponsible litterers, he....