Federal Reserve: Bitcoin Potential 'Boon' for Global Commerce
The Federal Advisory Council (FAC), a group that consults with the Federal Reserve on all matters under the US central bank's jurisdiction, and the Federal Reserve Board of Governors recently discussed bitcoin and its potential benefits at a quarterly meeting. Held on 9th May, the FAC and the Board of Governors debated whether bitcoin posed a threat to the traditional banking system, economic activity or financial stability, ultimately issuing a surprisingly positive two-and-a-half-page assessment of the technology. Perhaps most notably, the meeting focused on how bitcoin could empower a....
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After almost a month, the price of bitcoin is back up to $500. Are you doing a little happy dance? So are we! (Don't worry: it doesn't appear in the video). Check out some of the biggest headlines from last week leading up to the price rise. 37Coins plans SMS-based wallet: Startup 37Coins has created a universal bitcoin wallet that can be used on any cellphone. The service allows users to pay in bitcoin from any mobile device with SMS functionality via a 'gateway' in the user's country of origin. This news is a step in the right direction to deliver worldwide bitcoin access. FAC sees....
On Friday, May 9th, 2014, the Federal Advisory Council and Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve met for their quarterly meeting in Washington D. C. This meeting was historically held in secrecy until Bloomberg News "won" a Freedom of Information Act request under the Freedom of Information Law requiring the Fed to make the meetings minutes available to the public. The Federal Advisory Council (FAC) is "composed of twelve representatives of the banking industry, consults with and advises the Board on all matters within the Board's jurisdiction..." according to the Federal Reserve in....
The Federal Reserve has published new research on distributed ledger tech. The paper, which explores applications of the technology in payments and transaction settlement, was drafted by teams from the Federal Reserve Board as well as the Federal Reserve Banks of New York and Chicago. Though research has been published in the past by members of the Federal Resrve system, most notably the Federal Reserve Banks from Boston and Chicago, the paper's release represents the first major release from the Federal Reserve Board. Overall, the research casts a wide net, including both a top-down view....
Analyzing the precarious positions of the world’s fiat economies can drive a conclusion that the Federal Reserve will have to adopt bitcoin.
It doesn’t take much investigation to see that the establishment, the global financial elite including the U.S. Federal Reserve, are very impressed with the technology that Bitcoin has brought to bear. Every major corporation, brand, tech firm, even nations are spending thousands of man-hours researching and building mock-ups of Bitcoin’s blockchain technology. Blockchains, or “distributed ledger technology” (DLT) is ‘the next big thing’ in mainstream tech, and the U.S. Federal Reserve is no exception. They published a research paper about DLT yesterday. The Biggest Dog in the Yard Has....