Time is Running Out for Mark Williams Prediction of a $10 Bitcoin
If there is a villain to bitcoin, Mark Williams would likely be named. He infamously made the prediction, in December 2013, when he declared bitcoin was not an innovation but a "smoke and mirrors deception". At the time, bitcoin was still trading near $1,000.00. He went on to predict that by mid-year 2014 the price of bitcoin would pop by 99% and be....
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Last December, Boston University School of Management professor Mark T. Williams issued a prediction that drew rapt attention from the mainstream media, as well as the united ire of the bitcoin industry, when he boldly projected that the price of bitcoin would lose 99% of its value and fall below $10 by the end of June 2014. However, at press time, the price of bitcoin on CoinDesk's USD Bitcoin Price Index remains well above this figure, rising 34% in May to pass the US$600 mark. But, if Williams was hoping the community would forget his prediction, he was proven false this week when a....
The chatter on social media surrounding December 2013 comments by Boston University Professor Mark T. Williams (better known inside the community as 'Professor Bitcorn') is as loud as ever as we begin the second half of 2014. Williams had taken to business publication Business Insider to voice his concerns over the digital currency, which was at the time just out of a massive bubble and an all-time high. "I predict that Bitcoin will trade for under $10 a share by the first half of 2014, single digit pricing reflecting its option value as a pure commodity play," he wrote in a piece entitled....
Professor Mark T. Williams of Boston University is the latest Bitcoin naysayer proven wrong. As Bitcoin has entered mainstream economic discussions, several notable economists have endorsed it. However, others, such as Yale Univeristy Robert Schiller, have attacked it viciously. Thus far, the Bitcoin naysayers have all been proven wrong, and the list containing their names continues to grow at a rapid pace. Nevertheless, this does not deter those negative about Bitcoin's price from continuing publicly to declare Bitcoin's insolvency. Today, Bitcoin backers get to gloat once more as yet....
In this life, you can always spin your view of the world into whatever reality you hope to create. If you spend your days with negative people, who rail against the same things you do, you will create a mutual damnation society if that is indeed your agenda. The World Bank had its annual "Law, Justice and Development Week" in Washington last month. Instead of someone credible, they asked the debunked Boston University professor and known Bitcoin hater Mark Thomas Williams to add his unique Bitcoin perspective to the proceedings. Also read: Boston University Economist Mark T. Williams'....
Mark T Williams isn't shy when mentioning his "steed" - the unassuming white bicycle parked in front of the Noodle Street cafe in Boston, Massachusetts, shining in the sun near some melting remnants of the winter's snow. He diverts attention to it: wanting me to know that it's a choice model; that it would be complemented should the right person stop eating their pad thai, look through the smudgy window above our corner table and notice it. He goes on about it, telling me it's just one of his bikes, that the others are built for snow, for harsh conditions. If it's his way of directing....