Rapper 50 Cent Accepts Bitcoin for New Album 'Animal Ambition'
Business mogul and hip-hop star Curtis "50 Cent" Jackson has joined the growing number of musicians and entrepreneurs who are embracing bitcoin by accepting the digital currency as payment for his new album, 'Animal Ambition'. 50 Cent's Shopify store will accept bitcoin payments for the new release, with BitPay acting as the payments processor. Shopify first integrated payments for its network of merchants in November 2013. The development brings a prominent face to the bitcoin community. In addition to being a successful rap artist and producer, Jackson is a notable entrepreneur, having....
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The relationship between bitcoin and commercial music doesn't go back too far. Last year, Snoop Dogg (who I will refused to call Snoop Lion) expressed interest in accepting bitcoin for his latest album, and former Spice Girl Mel B actually went through with it by offering her single up in exchange for the digital currency. Now there's a new player in the game: 50 Cent. The rap artist, real name Curtis Jackson, has released his latest album "Animal Ambition" today, and he's accepting bitcoin for it via a connection with BitPay on his Shopify store. Shopify, as you may be aware, integrated....
50 Cent announced today that he will sell his new album Animal Ambition for bitcoin through BitPay. As 50 Cent will not be the only artist interested in providing bitcoin as a payment option, BitPay makes it easy for artists to accept bitcoin. 50 Cent is using a Shopify store to sell his latest album and can, through BitPay's partnership with Shopify, accept payment in bitcoin. There could not be a better combination of innovation in music and payment. We look forward to seeing which other musicians follow suite. With 50 Cent as the first large independent artist to accept bitcoin as a....
We got a press release from Bitpay regarding 50 Cent’s new album Animal Ambition which can be purchased at http://shop.50cent.com with bitcoin via BitPay. Since we like rap music we wanted to give it a try. Both for the album and also the buying experience. We don`t regret it. The album is really good and the purchase was like a piece of cake. Here is how to buy a 50 Cent`s album: 1. Go to http://shop.50cent.com. 2. Click “add to cart” (don`t get afraid that the Bitcoin payment option is not there). 3. Fill out your information. 4. Don`t forget the Discount code: “Reddit550″ We forgot it....
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50 Cent, who accepts Bitcoin for his online shop, has filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy under his legal name Curtis James Jackson II in bankruptcy court in Connecticut. The rapper has played off the filing as a cost of doing business, even making light of the situation, recently posing next to a smart car for an Instagram photo as if to make fun of his current circumstances. The Southpaw actor has been open about his decision to file for chapter 11. "I'm taking the precautions that any other good businessperson would take in this situation," the rapper told E! News about his current....