New York Holiday Inn Launches Bitcoin Payments Trial
A Holiday Inn hotel in Brooklyn, New York, is to start accepting bitcoin payments in a pilot programme later this week. The announcement was made by bitcoin entrepreneur Charlie Shrem at the inaugural Bitcoin Fair - a weekly digital currency-friendly pushcart market in New York City - who added that he would be in charge of the scheme. Travellers' hotspot. In a brief chat with NewsBTC, Shrem said the Park Slope Holiday Inn Express, located on Union Street in Brooklyn, is a good choice for bitcoin, attracting as it does a large number of foreign travellers. Bitcoin reservations will be....
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As promised on Friday, the bitcoin community's own Charlie Shrem has announced that a single location of the Holiday Inn hotel chain will be accepting bitcoin in New York City. Shrem made the announcement today at the Bitcoin Fair (which takes place at the Hester Street Fair), in which he included that he will be responsible for piloting the program at the hotel this week. Shrem told NEWSBTC Sunday that this is the Park Slope Holiday Inn Express location on Union Street in Brooklyn - a hotspot amongst foreign travelers. "The hotel caters to European tourists and one of the things they are....
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