Hacker Hijacks NAS Devices to Mine Over $600,000 Worth of Dogecoin
DELL Secureworks has published an interesting report regarding a large-scale illegal dogecoin mining operation that has taken place since at least February of this year. As early as February 8th of this year, computer users began to notice their Synology Network Attached Storage (NAS) boxes were performing sluggishly and had a very high CPU usage. As a result, investigations ensued and eventually a Facebook post, directed at Synology, was made. Ultimately, it was discovered that the cause of the excessive resource consumption was due to illegitimate software that had infected the systems,....
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It's the end of the week, which means it's time for another Bitcoin News in Review, where we take a look at some of the biggest stories of the week on CryptoCoins News. This week was relatively uneventful. besides the Bitcoin in the Beltway event, but there were still some interesting happenings, including a hacker mining 500 million Dogecoins, an upcoming Bitcoin documentary, an interesting altcoin, and more. Keep reading for this Bitcoin News in Review. Hacker Creates Dogecoin-Mining Botnet. Altcoins like Dogecoin are easier to mine than bitcoin, which has a much higher difficulty.....
Hacking into NAS (network attached storage) devices commonly used on home networks a hijacker has managed to mine about $200,000 in Dogecoin at current market rates (1000 Doge = $0.35). NAS boxes manufactured by Synology where targeted to create a botnet of infected devices. The combined computing power of the storage servers was directed at a private pool which was mining Dogecoin. The hijacker generated approximately 500 million Dogecoin between Janurary and April through which users of the Synology NAS boxes reported poor performance on their devices and high CPU usage reading even when....
The IBTimes recently ran a story informing readers that "Hackers could be targeting toasters to mine bitcoins, expert warns." Speaking to the annual Slush startup conference in Helsinki, Finland, F-Secure Chief Research Officer Mikko Hypponen stated, factually, that: "Cryptocurrencies are interesting as they open up new opportunities, like mining. Attackers don't target the user but the computer itself. Internet of Things devices can be hacked to mine cryptocurrencies and make money." Last year, Hypponen said similar things in his speech, which generated similar headlines. Why then, a year....
An unknown hacker has reaped an estimated 500 million dogecoins - worth nearly $200,000 at today's prices - by hacking into a series of data storage hubs for computer networks, according to SecureWorks, an information services subsidiary of personal computing giant Dell. The SecureWorks report revealed that the hacker targeted network attached storage (NAS) boxes made by Taiwan-based Synology Inc. and used its computing power to mine dogecoin through a private pool. The action caused problems for Synology's customers, some of whom reported poor performance on Facebook in February.....
Walking platform app Bitwalking and Misfit wearable devices have unveiled that they have teamed up, enabling users to generate Walking Dollars (W$) through the Misfit devices. Designed by Nissan Bahar and Franky Imbesi, the U.K.-based Bitwalking app was created to give users an incentive to become more active while earning W$ at the same time through the simple act of walking. By converting steps into digital currency, a step is worth the same value for everyone regardless of who they are or where they are. Now as the two team up, users will have the opportunity to mine their own W$....