Bolivian Central Bank Reportedly Bans Digital Currencies Like Bitcoin
Here's an unfortunate news item. It's being reported that El Banco Central de Bolivia - the Bolivian Central Bank - has banned any form of currency or coin not issued or regulated by the Bolivian government, reports CoinDesk. This, of course, would include bitcoin and similar digital currencies like "Bitcoin, Namecoin, Tonal Bitcoin, IxCoin, Devcoin, Freicoin, 10coin, Liquidcoin, Peercoin, Quark, Primecoin, and Feathercoin." The news was reported originally by the PanAm Post, who points to a resolution dated May 6th "which prohibits the use of coins specifically not issued or regulated by....
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While more and more countries are recognizing the technological achievement that is bitcoin, Ecuador is seemingly taking a step back by effectively banning bitcoin and other digital currencies in a recent legislative vote, as reported by CoinDesk. The ban came as part of a series of amendments to the financial law in the small South American country, of which there were reportedly 91 lawmaker votes in favor. The amendment will allow the Ecuadorian government to make payments is "electronic money", but slashes the potential for crypto-currencies that have seemingly been taking the financial....
In this episode of Fed Watch, the hosts discuss the potential for a digital euro, central bank digital currencies and the "financial hurricane" that is ongoing The post Video: Digital Euro, Central Bank Digital Currencies And Bitcoin appeared first on Bitcoin Magazine.