PayPal Freezes ProtonMail's Campaign Funds: Yet Another Reason They Accept Bitcoin

PayPal Freezes ProtonMail's Campaign Funds: Yet Another Reason They Accept Bitcoin

Yet another PayPal horror story... Running an email service is neither easy nor cheap, especially when it's designed to thwart mass surveillance. ProtonMail is a free, end-to-end encrypted email provider based in Switzerland (away from the NSA) and strives to protect its users in an age where privacy has become a commodity. In order to keep its services free, ProtonMail will offer premium accounts to cover the costs of the free accounts, and the team recently launched a fundraising campaign to support the addition of new features. However, after raising nearly $300,000, PayPal surprised....

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Barrage of DDoS Attacks Bring Down ProtonMail: $6000 in Bitcoin Ransom Paid

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ProtonMail Pays Bitcoin Ransom to Stop DDoS Attacks

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