Roger Ver Vows to Donate Funds For Retweets Related to Ross Ulbricht
Bitcoin evangelist Roger Ver is at it again. He's not giving away a $20,000 bounty like it's nothing though, but he is offering to donate to a cause relating to Ross Ulbricht. I'll give $10 to @Free_Ross for each RT. If guilty, he's a hero. If innocent, he needs help. http://t.co/XwhqrN06UT pic.twitter.com/Oau4dkFvdV. - Roger Ver (@rogerkver) July 5, 2014. Ross Ulbricht is of course a famous name in the bitcoin community ever since he was arrested late last year in connection with the illicit Silk Road marketplace. Officials say that Ulbricht ran the marketplace covertly, yet Ulbricht....
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Last week we published a post with regard to Roger Ver's latest campaign. Ver, as you know, is well known in the community and is an bitcoin evangelist. And this past weekend, Ver announced over Twitter that he would be donating a whopping $10 toward the Free Ross campaign for every retweet his tweet received. At the time of the publishing of our article, the tweet had received 214 retweets. Fast forward to today, and we're seeing an amazing 16,716 retweets. That's over $167,000 toward Ulbricht's legal defense. That's not a bad number when you consider that Ulbricht's family had set up an....
This article has been updated with comments from Roger Ver. Just two days ago, Bitcoin magnate Roger Ver offered to donate $10 for every retweet of his message supporting the Free Ross Ulbricht campaign - which aims to support the man allegedly behind defunct online drug market Silk Road. Now, Ver has announced that the donation limit has been reached. Ulbricht was arrested last year on serious charges relating to the government closure and seizure of Silk Road. However, Ulbricht maintains his innocence and insists he did not violate US law. Following his arrest, Ulbricht's family created....
On Sunday liberty activists gathered to promote a message of freedom and justice and to raise funds for the Free Ross campaign. The aim was to raise $14,000 USD to pay off the cost of printing the appeal. Lyn Ulbricht’s invitation message for the Free Ross Campaign is available here. The Free Ross Campaign’s work extends beyond Ross Ulbricht’s case and....
The Ross Ulbricht Genesis non-fungible token (NFT) collection auction has come to an end and the auction winner was the “Free Ross DAO,” backed by the Pleasrdao project. The NFT collection raised 1,446 ether or $6.27 million at the time of settlement.
Free Ross Decentralized Autonomous Organization Wins Ross Ulbricht’s NFT Auction, DAO Plans to Fractionalize NFT Collection
Four days ago, Bitcoin.com News reported on the Ross Ulbricht Genesis NFT collection amassing millions of dollars worth of ethereum (ETH) bids on the Superrare NFT marketplace.....
This letter to Ross Ulbricht was written by Roger Ver. Hello Ross, I don’t think I’m very good at writing letters, so I’ll just tell you what I think. Mostly I just want you to know that the world has not forgotten you, or the ideas you helped to spread. In fact, I suspect you will go down in history in a similar spot to Harriet Tubman for helping slaves....