Bitcoin News in Review: Gold Companies, Mt. Gox, Bitcoin Foundation, and More
Welcome back to another Bitcoin News in Review, where we feature some of our biggest stories of the week on CCN. This week, we discovered that several gold companies have shown an interest in Bitcoin, that the Mt. Gox saga still isn't over, that Andreas Antonopoulos has left the Bitcoin Foundation, and more. Check out this week's Bitcoin News in Review after the break. Gold Companies are Unsurprisingly Interested in Bitcoin. Is bitcoin the new gold? Bitcoin and gold share many similarities. They are both inherently limited, have to be "mined", are deflationary, and can act as a store of....
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Welcome back to another Bitcoin News in Review, where we feature our top stories of the week here on CryptoCoins News. This week (11 May - 18 May) we looked at two of the biggest scams in the mining community, saw trouble at the Bitcoin Foundation, looked at some Dogecoin tidbits, and more. Be sure to check out our video and read the articles below on this Bitcoin News in Review. [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kteZqvX4V3w?rel=0]. Butterfly Labs, LSM Labs, and Other Scams. CCN exposed the scam mining company - LSM Labs. The cryptocurrency mining industry is full of scams, with the....
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With the end of the week already here, it means it's time for another Bitcoin News in Review, where we feature some of our top stories here on CryptoCoins News. This week, we learned the results of the Silk Road bitcoin auction, saw interesting trends in the price of BTC, saw the author of bit gold break his long silence, and more. Check out this Bitcoin News in Review after the break. Silk Road Auction Winners and Losers. The results are in. The U. S. government recently auctioned off the ~30,000 bitcoins it seized from Silk Road, with the final bidding ending on June 27th. Firms such as....