UroCoin could be a Big Scam - Keep Away
Want a coin that's also a fertilizer? Uro is a coin claimed to be pegged to urea production, and urea is a fertilizer used for over half the world's food production. Please be sure to read: The Dirty Bits after the interview as this may be a major scam coin. Be sure to do your homework. I interviewed Uro's Currency Development Officer, Bohan Huang, about the benefits of Uro. Exclusive Interview with Uro's CDO. Market Cap: $2 Million USD on 17 July 2014 according to coinmarketcap.com. Maximum coins issued: 1 Million in the first 6 months, then 100,000 per year thereafter. Hash algorithm:....
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“Over the Next 5 Years the Demand for URO will Far Outstrip the Total Supply” - Bohan Huang, Urocoin
Bohan Huang is the Currency Development Officer at the Uro Foundation. The Uro Foundation is the non-profit volunteer organization that oversees the long term development, growth and maintenance of the Uro currency ecosystem. Uro is a currency pegged to the value of 1 metric ton of Urea, the world's most important fertilizer responsible for over half of total world food production by volume. Urea is made from only energy, water and air - and its demand is based on the ever increasing need for food. An international group of Urea sellers have joined the Uro Foundation to form a legal....