Hailo CEO: Bitcoin Could Benefit Our Customers and Taxi Drivers
Hailo founders, with CEO Jay Bregman at centre. Taxi app Hailo is "actively" looking into allowing its customers to pay with bitcoin, according to company CEO Jay Bregman. The company, which lets users hail taxis via its own app, could even allow bitcoin to be sent directly to drivers, he said in an interview with CoinDesk, a move that would set the company apart from other bitcoin-accepting businesses. To-date most merchants have chosen bitcoin payment solutions that convert bitcoin directly to fiat currency. "We have [always] sought to find independent ways to provide benefit to our....
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I requested information from the team behind Taxi coin, and the team was kind enough to answer my questions. However, when yours truly asked for a name to put in the article... I got "Chad B." very cloak and dagger!! Who is behind Taxi coin? "We are a group of like-minded people located in several countries around the world and have been growing the team and support since we launched. We are developers, producers, engineers, nerds, and citizens. We also all really love Crypto and Taxis! Why did you create a coin specifically for taxis?" It seemed like a natural fit to begin a coin that....
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