Pre-ordered TREZOR Hardware Wallets Have Now Been Shipped
If you pre-ordered a TREZOR hardware wallet, listen up. Satoshi Labs, the company behind the ultra-secure physical way to store your bitcoins, has taken to their official blog to announce that all pre-ordered devices have officially been shipped to customers around the world. "If you haven't received yours already, your TREZOR is flying to you right now!" the company exclaimed. Customers awaiting their TREZOR have been patient for quite the while. Seeing as how this is the first generation of the device, Satoshi Labs has had some issues with manufacturing. Specifically, the company....
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Hardware Bitcoin wallets are the next evolutionary step on the way of keeping BTC in safe and secure location. Considering most hardware wallets are pocket-sized, they have become increasingly convenient to carry around, and require no internet connection to use properly. One of the world’s leading hardware Bitcoin wallet manufacturers, Trezor, has gained the lion’s share of the market. But there is a new Trezor spinoff that will attempt to take that crown. It has to be said, Satoshilabs, the company behind popular hardware Bitcoin wallet Trezor, has created a fine piece of software. As a....
This week, the hardware wallet manufacturer Trezor, and the non-custodial bitcoin wallet with a built-in Coinjoin mixer, Wasabi, revealed the two teams are working together to introduce Coinjoin mixing into hardware wallets. On Sunday, Wasabi tweeted “hardware wallet Coinjoins are coming next year with our friends at [Trezor].”
Trezor Says Company Is ‘Working on a Coinjoin Implementation’
According to Trezor and Wasabi, a form of Coinjoin mixing is coming to hardware wallets in the near future. Coinjoin is a privacy-enhancing process that is leveraged....
With the coming of TREZOR's hardware bitcoin wallets by the end of the month (and a few weeks late for the classic model), the company today announced that their first batch of shipments will be labeled "First Edition", to acknowledge the individuals who purchased them as "those who helped pushing the security and usability of Bitcoin forward." The label is to be engraved on the case of the units, and TREZOR also noted that they'll be including a TREZOR-labeled lanyard to help you tote your hardware wallet about town. The company also took the opportunity to provide a little more....
An early version of the TREZOR hardware wallet. After months of delays and a price controversy, it seems that TREZOR is finally ready to ship their much-anticipated hardware wallets. The company behind the product released a statement on their website today claiming that shipments of the TREZOR Metallic will be made by the end of January, while the TREZOR Classic will ship a few weeks later. The early supporters of the TREZOR hardware wallet will be happy to hear the good news, and they will be rewarded for that early support with a limited-edition version of the new wallet. This is the....
Nowadays many people use web-based wallets and paper wallets for their convenient usage, but what happened to security? The hardware wallet is generally what you'll want, so today, we'll compare some common Bitcoin hardware wallets (Trezor, Ledger Nano), and show you the pros and cons of each. Trezor was one of the first hardware wallets and is also one of the most secure. The wallet was designed for storing large amounts of bitcoin securely, and therefore it is not meant for daily usage. Keeping that in mind, let’s take a look at the Trezor. The wallet features a strongly-built exterior,....