Potcoin Review - The coin to help facilitate legal cannabis transactions

Potcoin Review - The coin to help facilitate legal cannabis transactions

Potcoin is helping legal cannabis sales to have a simplified method of transaction. With many places in the world having legal cannabis sales, including some states in the USA legalizing cannabis, PotCoin has a nice growing merchant-base for accepting Potcoins for payment. Potcoin Review. Market Cap: $812,348. Maximum coins issued: 420M POT. Hash algorithm: Scrypt. PoW or PoS: PoW. Is it able to be mined: Yes. Exchanges: Cryptsy, SwissCEX, HashFlo, BitTrex, MintPal. Block explorer: PotChain. Launch date: January 21st, 2014. What is the coin's purpose? The newly legalized Marijuana industry....

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