Dell CEO Reports Huge Server Order Paid For in Bitcoin
Here's something you probably didn't expect to hear this Saturday evening. Dell CEO Michael Dell took to his official Twitter account this morning to report some pretty impressive news with regard to an order they received recently. Before I get into that, I should preface this story by adding that Dell recently made waves in the cryptocurrency community with a surprise announcement that they have begun accepting bitcoin on their retail website at Dell.com. The computing giant partnered up with Coinbase to facilitate the digital currency acceptance, and it would appear they are doing....
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Less than a month after it first began accepting bitcoin, Dell has received 85 BTC (over $50,000) for a PowerEdge server order. NewsBTC first reported the story after Dell CEO Michael Dell tweeted the following: Recieved PowerEdge server order @ http://dell.com for more than 85 #bitcoin (~$50K USD) http://dell.com/bitcoin #Dellbitcoin. - Michael Dell (@michaeldell) 10 Aug 2014. It's not known exactly who placed the order, but since Dell's off-the-shelf Poweredge servers range from $299 into the thousands, someone likely now has a whole farm acquired with bitcoin. One Twitter user pointed....
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