Bitcoin News in Review: Bitcoin Price, Mt Gox, Cloud Mining, And More
It's Sunday again, meaning it's time for another Bitcoin News in Review, where we check out some of the top stories of the week here on CryptoCoins News. This week (10 August - 17 August), we saw a huge drop in the Bitcoin price, more news regarding Mt. Gox, an interesting take on cloud mining, and more. Check out our video and keep scrolling for this Bitcoin News in Review. What's Happening to the Bitcoin Price? After a brief period of stability, it looks like volatility is back. At the time of this writing, one Bitcoin is worth ~$497, an almost $100 drop since last week. A lot of times,....
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As we've been following for you here on CCN, Cloud Mining has been taking a beating with the precipitous drop in Bitcoin price over the lasts several months. The profit margins have become thinner and thinner, and now may be non-existent for many in the industry. Some reports have as many as 30,000 miners leaving the industry since BTC has entered the $300-and-below range. Many Bitcoin critics are eager to take this as a sign of Bitcoin's inherent weakness of value. Is that the case? Can this purging of clouded, corporate miners, in fact, be a good thing? In order to take advantage of the....
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