Australian Government Publishes 'Bitcoin For Businesses' Guide
The Australian Government has published a short "bitcoin for businesses" guide on their business website, which aims to educate businesses on the benefits and pitfalls of accepting digital currency like bitcoin in exchange for goods and services. For the enthusiast, the information presented is really quite well known. For a business owner who's been hearing the "bitcoin" word tossed around and wondering what it is, it could prove to be a valuable resource. The guide covers a number of topics, of which include a basic primer on cryptocurrencies, in addition to how a business can accept....
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The Australian government's online business information portal has published a 'Bitcoin for business' page to advise operators of their tax and other regulatory obligations. As well as a basic explanation of what bitcoin is and how it works, the business.gov.au page also features sections on accepting bitcoins, tax implications, risks, and paying employee salaries with digital currency. With headings like "What are digital currencies and crypto-currencies?", "How do I accept Bitcoin in my business?" and "Should I accept Bitcoin payments?" and links to more detailed information, the page is....
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