An Interview With Bobby Lee, CEO of BTC China
Bobby Lee is the CEO of BTC China, a three year old exchange which he purchased in 2013. Following his purchase, Mr. Lee led a brisk expansion in market share that coincided with rising Bitcoin prices in the fourth quarter of the year. December 2013 saw BTC China leading the world's Bitcoin exchanges in volume. While trading activity has dropped off....
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The International Bar Association did a fascinating interview with Bobby lee. We have summarised the 45 minute long interview for you. Bobby Lee, the owner of BTC China the largest and first Bitcoin exchange in China. Previously an engineering manager at Yahoo as well as the vice president of technology at Walmart. His brother, Charlie Lee is also the creator of Litecoin. Recently, a video came out where he was interviewed by Rebecca Lowe over at the International Bar Association. “Bitcoin is not a far leap from my background, so to speak. It is in the world of finance, but it is very much....
Bobby Lee is one of the most prominent members of the Bitcoin community and the co-founder and CEO of BTC China – the world’s largest Bitcoin exchange by volume in the post-MT. Gox world. The CoinTelegraph got a chance to interview Bobby Lee at Bitcoin 2014 Amsterdam to get his thoughts and expert opinion on the conference and Bitcoin’s outlook in China. Here are the questions we've asked: 1. What are your goals for this conference? 2. You mentioned in an interview last month that you are "not worried about things beyond your control". How is BTC China adjusting its business model in light....
Interview Conducted by: Yang Yang. Translated by: James Choi. Edited by: Elizabeth T. Ploshay. Bitcoin continues to grow in value and BTC China, the lead Chinese Bitcoin exchange and one of the lead Bitcoin exchanges in the world, is expanding tremendously. Bitcoin Magazine received a transcribed and translated copy of Yang Yang of 8BTC's interview with Bobby Lee, CEO of BTC China and co-founder Yang Linke. Please feel free to read in English while watching the youtube video below: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNjMwNjQzOTYw.html. Yang Yang: Hello everyone. Today we are having an interview....
This week BTC China CEO, Bobby Lee, posted a compelling Tweet and was not afraid to voice his view in full support of the Bitcoin Blockchain. A Conversation with BTC China CEO, Bobby Lee. I had the chance to interview Bobby Lee for an in-depth look at why this industry leader continues to stand firm in support of the number one global public blockchain:....
The price of Bitcoin has been steadily climbing upwards in the past two days as the April 15 deadline for Chinese-based lenders and payment companies to close the trading accounts of more than 10 domestic Bitcoin exchange platforms, has come and went. First, not every exchange has received a notice about the closing of their accounts. Second, Bobby Lee, CEO of BTC China, has clarified that it’s “business as usual” and that nothing has changed despite rumors, which he dubbed as fake. In a cnbc report, Bobby Lee confirmed that the rumors were in fact just that: “As far as BTC China is....