WorldAidCoin Developer Wants to Use Cryptocurrency to Serve the Less-Fortunate
Despite assertions by mainstream media outlets that only drug-dealers and criminals use Bitcoin technology, many in the cryptocurrency community have used the new technology to benefit the less-fortunate. Such people have created a variety of Bitcoin-related charities, including Sean's Outpost and CryptoCause. However, WorldAidCoin developer Matthew Rodbourne is taking a different approach that he believes will help more people than a Bitcoin-based charity can. CCN spoke with Rodbourne about how WorldAidCoin plans to use cryptocurrency to improve the lives of the underprivileged.....
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Source: NASA (not actual cubesat). Jeff Garzik, a core bitcoin developer, is looking to launch some small-sized satellites into orbit that will work as Bitcoin nodes, according to CoinDesk. These satellites (also known as cubesats), about 10cm wide on all of its sides, would effectively be launched with larger payloads, so as to not cost hundred of millions of dollars. So how much would it cost? According to Garzik, about $2 million. In orbit, the nodes would serve as additional nodes to the many that already exist on Earth. So it is worth it? Perhaps that's up to Garzik to decide. It's....
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