Ribbit.me! The New Marketplace
What if every time you used Amazon they gave you money, just for using it? And what if eBay accepted multiple digital currencies as payment for goods listed on their site? What a world it would be... But Wait! The guys at Ribbit.me! (the exclamation mark is part of the company name) are doing this right now, and they are putting the finishing touches on....
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The ability that crypto currencies have to create new environments and business innovations is remarkable! You might say that Digital Currencies are the first real 21st Century technology, because it will be the main part running to implement profound changes in the way how we see currency, markets, assets, bonds, but most of all in the way how we deal across borders…. Ribbit.me is a new StartUp that aims to introduce a new and totally decentralized Ebay like Marketplace, with one special feature that provide the ability of users getting some cash back simply by selling and buying through....
Blockchain based reward program Ribbit. Me recently initiated the launch of Marketplace.life, reportedly the first-ever peer-to-peer marketplace that features a cash back reward system. As per the available details, the new Ribbit. Me platform will further allow users to transact in all kind of fiat and digital currencies, including Bitcoin. The cash rewards - RibbitRewards - meanwhile will be allocated to users upon successful transactions. These reward points, just like those given by credit cards, can be used later in future transactions. A small percentage of RibbitRewards will also be....
Investment firms Fortress Investment Group (FIG), Benchmark Capital and Ribbit Capital have teamed up with Pantera Capital to launch a bitcoin investment fund. The new fund will be known as Pantera Bitcoin Partners LLC and, as the name implies, it will be controlled by Pantera. Fortress, Ribbit Capital and Benchmark Capital will be minority equity partners. Fortress became the first Wall Street investment firm to enter the bitcoin space. Last year it was rumoured to be acquiring bitcoins and a regulatory filing published in February revealed it had set aside $20m for bitcoin investments in....
Two years ago, the entrepreneurs in bitcoin were inexperienced and those investing in the space were merely a collection of friends, according to Meyer "Micky" Malka. Flash forward to today and the Bitcoin Foundation board member and founder of VC firm Ribbit Capital can find more than a few reasons to be optimistic about the future of bitcoin, even in the face of continued price declines, issues in the mining community and questions about the commercial viability of bitcoin technology. Before it can propel itself forward to new highs, however, Malka believes bitcoin must first account for....
Meyer 'Micky' Malka - a director at the Bitcoin Foundation - has been a financial industry entrepreneur since the age of 18, first in his native Venezuela and later in Europe and the US, where he most recently founded mobile payments company Lemon Inc., now part of LifeLock. Also founder of Ribbit Capital, Malka says he wants to use the firm "as an agent for change in the ossified and slow-to-change financial services category." Besides investing in five companies in the space, Ribbit is investing directly in bitcoin - reportedly, along with Social+Capital Partnership, controlling 5% of....