Largest Non Profit Charity, United Way, Unites with Bitcoin
As part of the ongoing Bitcoin adoption saga, on their blog today, Coinbase revealed today that United Way Worldwide is now accepting Bitcoin for donations. The United Way is the world's largest non-profit. Their longstanding mission has been improving education, promoting financial stability and healthy lives. A global organization, United Way has over 2.8 million volunteers, 9.7 million donors and raises over $5 billion a year. "Donating bitcoin to United Way Worldwide is the most seamless way for an individual to donate" Coinbase reports on their blog. Users can donate with two clicks.....
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Nonprofit United Way Worldwide announced today that it now accepts donations in bitcoin, officially becoming the largest charitable institution to adopt the digital currency into its operations. The US-based organization currently holds the title of largest privately held nonprofit in the world, raising more than $5bn annually with more than 2.8 million volunteers, 9.7 million donors and community initiatives, and partnerships with such companies and organizations like the National Football League (NFL). United Way accepting bitcoin signifies the further alignment of the charity with its....