Andreas Antonopoulos Joins E-Commerce Company CoinSimple
Bitcoin security expert Andreas Antonopoulos has joined e-commerce company CoinSimple as an advisor. The Hong Kong-based platform enables customers to choose how they process their digital currency payments. They can use BitPay, Coinbase, GoCoin or do it themselves via Armory and Electrum wallets. This isn't the first time Antonopoulos has worked with the company, CoinSimple confirmed in a statement: "Andreas has been involved in various roles with CoinSimple since the company's formation and his role as an advisor will allow him to help shape CoinSimple's future and core product." SaaS....
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On Wednesday, October 8th, the bitcoin community's own Andreas M. Antonopoulos spoke at length to the Canadian Senate with reference to the digital currency and regulation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xUNGFZDO8mM. Video Description: October 8th 2014, Committee on Banking, Trade and Commerce / "Study on the use of digital currency", 11th session. Duration: 1hr:52m